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来源:整理 时间:2025-01-06 01:13:15 编辑:问船数据网 手机版








套利定价模型(APT Arbitrage Pricing Theory )2113----由罗斯在1976年提出,实际5261上也是有关资本资产定价的模型。模型表明,资本资产的收益率是各4102种因素综合作用的结果,诸如1653GDP的增长、通货膨胀的专水平等因素的影响,并不仅仅只受证券组合内部风险属因素的影响。
套利定价理论和资本资产定价模型都是资产定价理论,所讨论的都是期望收益率与风险的关系,但两者所用的假设和技术不同。两者既有联系,又有区别。 (1)两者的联系 第一,两者要解决的问题相同,都是要解决期望收益与风险之间的关系,使期望收益与风险相匹配。 第二,两者对风险的看法相同,都是将风险分为系统性风险和非系统性风险,期望收益只与系统性风险相关,非系统性风险可以通过多样化而分散掉。 (2)两者的主要区别 第一,在apt中,证券的风险由多个因素来解释;而在capm中,证券的风险只用证券相对于市场组合的β系数来解释。 第二,apt并没有对投资者的证券选择行为做出规定,因此apt的适用性增强了;而capm假定投资者按照期望收益率和标准差,并利用无差异曲线选择投资组合。apt也没有假定投资者是风险厌恶的。 第三,apt并不特别强调市场组合的作用,而capm强调市场组合是一个有效的组合。 第四,在apt中,资产均衡的得出是一个动态的过程,它是建立在一价定律的基础上的;而capm理论则建立在马科维茨的有效组合基础之上,强调的是一定风险下的收益最大化和一定收益下的风险最小化,均衡的导出是一个静态的过程。



资本资产定价模型(Capital Asset Pricing Model 简称CAPM)是由美国学者夏普(William Sharpe)、林特尔(John Lintner)、特里诺(Jack Treynor)和莫辛(Jan Mossin)等人在资产组合理论的基础上发展起来的,是现代金融市场价格理论的支柱,广泛应用于投资决策和公司理财领域。  资本资产定价模型就是在投资组合理论和资本市场理论基础上形成发展起来的,主要研究证券市场中资产的预期收益率与风险资产之间的关系,以及均衡价格是如何形成的。  资本资产定价模型简称CAPM,是由威廉·夏普、约翰·林特纳一起创造发展的,旨在研究证券市场价格如何决定的模型。资本资产定价模型假设所有投资者都按马克维茨的资产选择理论进行投资,对期望收益、方差和协方差等的估计完全相同,投资人可以自由借贷。基于这样的假设,资本资产定价模型研究的重点在于探求风险资产收益与风险的数量关系,即为了补偿某一特定程度的风险,投资者应该获得多得的报酬率。
资本资产定价模型也是通过某些假设在对现实环境进行简化的基础上建立起来的,这个假设就是完备资本市场假设,其主要内容包括: 1、该市场上不存在任何交易费用和课税; 2、所有投资者都是厌恶风险的,他们根据期望值——方差规则进行投资决策,并对期望值、方差、协方差等具有相同的主观估计; 3、所有投资者都能够借入和贷出任何数额的资金,且不影响利率; 4、所有投资者均为价格承受者,即他们不可能通过买卖来影响证券的市场价格; 5、所有投资者都能无偿获得有关证券的各种信息; 6、所有投资者都是可分和流动的,即可在现行价格下交易。 以上关于完备资本市场假设的目的是为了得到期望报酬与风险之间关系的明确表述,从而避免交易费用、税收以及信息滞留等造成的无效率来扰乱这种关系。


价格领导模型(Price Leadership Model) 价格领导模型(Price Leadership Model)是指 产业 内一家 企业 先变动价格,然后其他企业就跟着 定价 的竞争格局。求采纳
leadership areastransformationvisioning, energizing, and stimulating a change process that coalesces communities, patrons, and professionals around new models of managerial leadership.accomplishmenttranslating vision and strategy into optimal organizational performance.peoplecreating an organizational climate that values employees from all backgrounds and provides an energizing environment for them. it also includes the leaders responsibility to understand his or her impact on others and to improve his or her capabilities, as well as the capabilities of others.leadership competencies definitionstransformationachievement orientationa concern for surpassing a standard of excellence. the standard may be ones own past performance (striving for improvement); an objective measure (results orientation); outperforming others (competitiveness); challenging goals, or something that has been done previously (innovation).analytical thinking/ problem-solvingthe ability to understand a situation, issue or problem by breaking it into smaller pieces or tracing its implications in a step-by-step way. it includes organizing the parts of a situation, issue, or problem systematically; making systematic comparisons of different features or aspects; and applying appropriate methods to explore fully and attack a problem.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -community orientationthe ability to align ones own and the organizations priorities with the needs and values of the community, including its cultural and ethnocentric values and to move managerial leadership forward. it includes a service orientation to both external and internal “customers” and constituencies.financial skillsthe ability to understand and explain financial and accounting information, prepare and manage budgets, and make sound long-term investment decisions.information discoveryan underlying curiosity and desire to know more about things, people, or issues, including the desire for knowledge and staying current with disciplinary, organizational, and professional trends and developments. it includes pressing for exact information, while also being able to judge when available information is sufficient to support a decision or action; resolving discrepancies by asking a series of questions; and scanning for potential opportunities or information that may be of future use; as well as staying current and seeking best practices for adoption.innovative thinkingthe ability to apply complex concepts, develop creative solutions or adapt previous solutions in new ways.leadership model strengthson the positive side, models offer the critical ingredient of an intellectual framework. whether you are studying carpentry or calculus, to become proficient, you need to master various skills and then weave them together. using a handsaw quickly is useless if your cuts are inaccurate; mathematical integration is impossible if you havent mastered the concept of the derivative.learning skills one at a time, though, can lead to isolated knowledge. to weave fabric, you need a loom to keep lines of yarn taut as you pass various threads back and forth to create the pattern. the loom is the framework that holds the work together as you perform it.a model suggests the interplay of the various aspects. in carpentry, the model may be a set of guiding principles that shows how a building goes up from foundation to roof and from outside to inside. calculus teachers might offer geometric representations of derivatives as tangents to lines and integrals as adding little boxes of area or volume. if the model is strong, you will find yourself more readily grasping ideas and putting them into action because the model lets you see the essential of what you need to do.more ethereal skills also need a framework. in leadership, you need to bring intellectual, emotional, and physical abilities into play to accomplish anything. without a model, you stumble about, trying to make the parts work together, possibly scuttling your goal in the process because of the weight of accumulated mistakes. there would just be too much stress, in all meanings of the word.leadership model weaknessesfor all their strengths, models also have their weaknesses. the principle one is that a model is a simplification of reality. if the world were really so uncomplicated that you could describe it in a few paragraphs, life would be much easier. any model, no matter how good, is still quite a distance from the real thing.holistic leadershipno model offers a complete answer to the problem of leadership. for example, the trait school attributes everything to personal traits, but it acknowledges neither the possibility of acquiring traits nor the need for different traits to meet differing situations. transactional leaders can miss opportunities to improve the organization when they insist on team members holding closely to their assigned roles and not venturing out to make observations and suggestions that might open new possibilities. additionally, the models dont actually teach how to lead. instead, they attempt to explain the concerns and dynamics that leaders face and how successful leaders deal with them. but by intelligently using the models, you can anticipate what you will face and find ways to lead under many different circumstances and conditions. its a matter of taking a few steps to create a personal management style:matching style to selfmatching style to other peoplematching style to organizationmatching style to situationthat doesnt mean you should develop a single approach to leading. instead, you should aim to understand the principles of management and see how you might have to express them differently depending on when, where, and whom you lead.

